Sunday, August 26, 2007

Lucky Escape

I was standing with a mob of people by the side of a busy intersection, waiting for the walking light to turn green. The light changed for the intersecting road to our left. The lady in front of me apparently believed that it was for our road and she confidently stepped forward. A stranger grabbed her arm and pulled her back, just as a bus zoomed by, missing her face by an inch.

The woman’s lucky escape reminded me again of how fragile, tiny, and insignificant life can be. One stupid, absent-minded step and BAM! Goodbye life, goodbye family and friends, goodbye world. Who knows when and how we will go? Take it easy and take care, friends. Keep safe!

1 comment:

Daffodil said...

When I go, I want it to be quick. Preferably in one piece... :-D

By the way, congrats! You can finally put the calendar, the links, the archives. Dolphins, eh? It's so "you".... Hehehehe