Sunday, November 04, 2007


When I first started to teach at LIA, a colleage commented that I seemed very confident and comfortable in the new surrounding. The teacher's room could indeed be intimidating to a rookie like me. It was huge! It could easily accomodate 50 teachers, with room to spare. The teachers ranges from youngish (20 something) to oldish (70 something). It wasn't always a friendly place for rookies.
Actually, I wasn't confident at all. I was just clueless most of the time, unaware of who is who and how I should behave towards whom. I was a bit of a social retard in that sense. To me everybody was created as equals. I just tried to be polite and friendly towards everyone.
In fact, my first boo boo happened even before I became a teacher. When I was still a student at LIA, break time meant a visit to the loo. It was usually not very clean, and always very crowded. So I was very happy to find a loo that was much cleaner, and much less crowded than the others. Sometimes there were teachers there too. It took me months to realize that it WAS the teachers' loo! Interestingly, none of the teachers ever told me to scram and use the students' toilets. Very nice people, those ladies.

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