Friday, January 05, 2007

The Statue Man

This is a photo of the ‘statue man’. He was taking a break after a long day’s work. When he was working, he stood very still, just like a statue. Passersby put coins in a box in front of him. Sometimes they took photos with him. The statue man would put his silver shawl around the tourists’ shoulders and made them wear wreaths of flowers for the photos. He gave lollies to children. As I sat down to watch, I saw smiles on people’s faces as the statue man entertained the tourists. Young girls giggled. Children fascinated and happy.

As the statue man was taking his break, I could see that he was very tired. It must have been sweltering in his costume and make up on that sunny day. There was no shade to protect him from the sun. Just seconds after the picture was taken, a jogger passed by and slapped the statue man across the face. It was totally an unprovoked attack. The statue man was surprised but was quick enough to call out to the jogger. The jogger stopped and turned back. I couldn’t hear what they said to each other. The statue man was obviously asking for an explanation and an apology and the jogger seemed to be too cocky to take him seriously. The argument grew hotter. The statue man stripped down to shorts and singlet and raised his fists. He was much older and appeared frail compared to the muscular jogger. The jogger also raised his fists. Punches flew but they both managed to avoid getting hit. The statue man pulled the jogger’s shirt off in the fight and threw it back at him. The jogger walked away, but then came back, shouting abuse at the statue man. I guess his ego was badly bruised.

Several ticket men from the jet boat arena nearby approached. They asked the jogger what happened. It was not clear what was going to happen next. Then punches flew again. This time they rained on the jogger. He was outnumbered and outnerved. A group of by standers, me included, cheered and clapped as he ran away. He scowled at us but we ignored him.

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