Friday, June 30, 2006

Superman Returns

I was on the train, on my way back home to Croydon. I had just seen Superman Returns. My thoughts were straying as usual and it went way back to when I saw the first Superman. I couldn't believe that it was so long ago. I was around 8 and my family was temporarily living in Johor Bahru. The movie must have made quite a big impression on me because I could still remember little bits and pieces. I remembered the big plaza where I saw the movie, but only on the outside. I remembered waiting in a car, a partially cloudy day, lots of people, a connecting bridge between two buildings, and a fly-over.
Then I remembered going to see Indian movies with our house-helper lady, and probably some other neighour ladies. Some scenes were permanently engraved in my head. A young girl swirling round and round while singing, an elephant wrongly punished - chained and beaten. I still felt sorry for that elephant. I have many stories from my slightly twisted childhood and here are some of them.

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